Truckers Savings Listicles

Are you a professional truck driver who is struggling with saving money?
Are you making expensive mistakes on the job or with your personal finances?
Have you been asked by someone in your company to do something that could harm you or your trucking career financially?

Introducing Truckers Savings Listicles, a series of over 50 chapters of lists designed to help prospective and professional truck drivers save money and time.

By reading this book, you’ll discover tips and ideas to help them save money and avoid costly mistakes in trucking in these 7 areas:

1. Trucker Training and Getting Started
2. Trucker Relationships
3. Truck Operations
4. Truckers and Trailers
5. Trucker Legal Matters
6. Trucker Health and Well-Being
7. Trucker Finances and Money

The author guarantees that if you don’t learn at least 3 new things from the book, you will receive 3 months of coaching for free.

Who is Vicki Simons and what qualifies her to write this book?

  • has been married to her husband Mike since 1991;
  • has experience as a professional truck driver;
  • got financially stung over and over when she and her husband were just starting out in trucking;
  • created in 2009 the website as a clearinghouse of how professional truck drivers from around the world save money — in order to help each other save money;
  • became a trucker consumer advocate;
  • has passionately served as Mike’s “home support team,” both at home when we’ve had a residence and in our “home away from home” when we’ve been on the road living in a truck;
  • has written well over 1,000 articles and reviews on their website;
  • has written well over 5,000 Truck Drivers Money Saving Tips and Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiries since 2010;
  • has written the free monthly Truck Drivers Money Saving Tips email newsletter since 2009;
  • has written a weekly trucking commentary since February 2017;
  • creates truck drivers money saving videos, many of which have been published through Facebook and YouTube;
  • seeks to learn as much as she can to help professional truck drivers — and those looking to join the trucking industry — so that she can help them save money; and
  • on an annual basis, helps many thousands of prospective truckers, professional truck drivers. and their home support teams with the info on their website and social media channels.

Using the tips you find on this site can help you save more money from your hard-earned paychecks — as well as help prevent you from spending time and money on that which doesn’t provide a good return on your investment.

Mike and Vicki Simons, owners of NKBJ InfoNet, LLC, the company through which we operate’re Mike and Vicki Simons. When we drove as a husband and wife truck driving team, we were “stung” financially and repeatedly in connection with our truck driving jobs.

As painful as that was, we wondered, “If we are experiencing this, how many other truckers are also being taken advantage of financially?”

We believe that even as isolated as some professional truck drivers are, not one of them should ever be forced into buying inferior products or services in connection with his or her job.

In order to protect other truckers, we decided to speak out about problems like the ones we’d had. In so doing, we became “trucker consumer advocates.”

What We Do for Truck Drivers and Why

Since our desire is to help as many truckers as possible save as much money as possible, we

  • write transparently about both our successes and “bone-headed” mistakes in trucking;
  • deliver information not only from our own store of knowledge but also from other experts in the field;
  • ask questions about truckers saving money — including the hard questions that no one else dares touch; and
  • invite other professional truck drivers to share their experiences through tips, articles and reviews.

On our fifth anniversary, we refined our slogan or tag line to succinctly summarize the reason why we started and continue to operate

Because truckers know that no trucker deserves to be stung financially“.

It’s All About the Truck Driving Community

From the beginning, we envisioned as a clearinghouse of how professional truck drivers from around the world save money — in order to help each other save money.

If every trucker contributed just one money saving tip or review on our site, imagine how the entire worldwide trucking community could benefit!

Dishonest money dwindles away, but he who gathers money little by little makes it grow.

Every professional driver’s trucking experience is slightly different.

Furthermore, the needs of drivers across the industry vary greatly.

If you have an opinion that differs from the ones on this site, that’s OK! Share it!

With your help, we’re looking to expand our website to provide money saving information on lots of different topics, information that provides tangible value to you and other professional drivers everywhere.

Making Application for Truckers

Saving money as a trucker may seem like a daunting task because everywhere you travel, someone wants a piece of your paycheck.

You can be earning a terrific paycheck and still have nothing left to show for all your hard work.

In the end,

“It’s not just how much you earn that counts; it’s also how much you keep!”

Specifically, how can this website help?

We provide real world tips that help professional truck drivers save hard-earned money and personal reporting about products and services for use on the road.

We’ve developed this unique website as a place to share the tips we have learned through the years — and where other professional drivers can do the same.

Our pages contain plenty of truck drivers money saving tips, sometimes in sections that look like this:

truck drivers money saving tip iconMoney saving tip:

Now It’s Your Turn, Professional Drivers

We are honored to serve you.

Once you’ve gotten one or more tips from this site, we encourage you share the tips you’ve learned.

In other words:

Get and share great money saving tips for truck drivers.

Share your tips in the appropriate section on this site.

We wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

Best regards,
Mike and Vicki Simons